All Services Are Available For Residential and Commercial

Tile & Grout Cleaning

"B" Clean Quad Cities!
When Quality Matters - hire a company that uses a superior and powerful tile and grout deep cleaning system, using rotary cleaning technology. Why settle for an inferior job by a company using ineffectual and outdated equipment?
Whether you have VCT or Tile and Grout, Mr. B's can clean it all! Cleaning with a mop, bucket, and scrub brush can be fairly exhausting to say the least!  Even with the best store-bought cleaners, it takes lots of time and elbow grease to clean these surfaces and if you are trying to loosen the dirt that is deeply embedded in your porous tile and grout, it is often impossible to do it by hand.

You might use a mop and bucket to try to pick up all that dirt but as soon as you put your mop back in the bucket the water becomes dirty, and now you’re cleaning with dirty water! The dirty water then gets mixed around and is right back in those porous grout lines you’ve just cleaned.  So if you feel like you’re getting nowhere fast, you’re right!

Let us show you the best way to clean your VCT and tile and grout!

We use the right tools and equipment, as well as non-toxic solutions to effectively clean any tiled and grouted surfaces, including tile cleaning of laminate or luxury vinyl tile in your kitchen, hallways, sun-rooms, mud-rooms, bathrooms, basements, and more. We’re often told that we’re the best local professional VCT and tile and grout cleaners in the Quad Cities. We hope you’ll agree!

We specialize in both residential and commercial VCT and tile and grout cleaning.

Mr. B's Carpet, Floor Cleaning and More also offers tile regrouting. Visit our Tile Regrouting page for more information.

Say Goodbye To Dirt, Grit and Grime!
Here are the details as to how we achieve fantastic results…

Step 1: We Pre-Spray your grout with a premier tile & grout cleaner that cuts greasy filthy grout like nothing else and doesn't harm stainless steel appliances, transitions or cabinets. This pre-spray is safe for all tile, grout and stone and penetrates deep down inside your dirty tile and grout and loosens up all the dirt, grit and grime that may have been left there for years. Because grout is so porous, a powerful pre-spray is essential to start working before we do.

Step 2: After a 10 minute dwell time, we Agitate the pre-spray using our rotary cleaning system getting even deeper into that dirty tile and grout.

Step 3: Now it's time to see those grout lines look like new. Our Rotary Cleaning System combined with the use of a Grout Brightener and Cleaning Solution will remove stains typically found around sinks, stoves, dishwashers, and eating areas. This process makes black grout lines blacker and white grout lines whiter and brighter.

Step 4: Rinse and Rinse again. We double rinse your floors to make sure that all the solutions are removed from your floor, leaving you with the brightest and cleanest tile and grout you've ever had. You'll be amazed by the amount of dirt, grit, and grime that disappears. You can watch the water in the clear tube go from nasty discolored liquid into clear water...it's definitely our favorite part!

Step 5: Almost done, but one last step. Sealing your tile and grout is the final step and a very important one. This protects your tile and grout and helps those spills, stains, traffic, dirt and everything else from being embedded into that beautiful tile and grout that we just cleaned. Professional tile cleaning will still be advised on an annual basis, but sealing will make it easier for you to clean in between our visits.

Our powerful tile and grout deep cleaning system will make your tile and grout surfaces look brand new!

We take personal satisfaction in cleaning your tile and grout to look clean, feel clean, and smell clean because they ARE clean!

Slide The Arrows To See The Difference
Tile and Grout Cleaning
Tile and Grout Cleaning
Before Tile & Grout Cleaning
After Tile & Grout Cleaning
Before Tile & Grout Cleaning
After Tile & Grout Cleaning
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